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Amy Murphy has a master’s degree in public health, extensive experience working in and with government agencies, advanced skills in facilitating group process and strategic planning and knowledge of population health management.
“First and foremost I believe in and value the mission of CGHC as a non-profit provider of health insurance that puts the health of their members, along with access to high quality and affordable health care, over profit. As a self-employed single mother, I am independently responsible for the financial health of my family. I’ve learned a lot about health insurance over the years including a health care emergency that resulted in my son accruing $25,000 in medical costs. At that moment, I never valued having health insurance more and had the additional experience of having to negotiate directly with healthcare providers to address the cost. I have over 20 years of governmental experience at the local, state and national level. I worked as a Senior Manager for the City of Milwaukee Health Department for 15 years and am a nationally recognized expert in environment health (lead poisoning prevention and healthy homes). As part of my consulting business, I facilitate strategic planning, consensus decision-making, action planning and design meetings and group gatherings that are meaningful and productive. I take great pride in being part of the CGHC board as it seeks to improve the health and well-being of its members.”