Ah, summertime!

It’s the season to bask in the sun’s embrace and make the great outdoors your personal playground. As the mercury rises, so does the fun, but remember, a little prep can keep you cool as a cucumber during those sizzling days.

Outdoor activities are the heart of summer. Whether it’s cycling, hiking, baseball, or beach time, if the day’s too hot, just switch to the cooler morning or late afternoon. Take it easy, especially if you’re not heat-hardy, and find some shade for those lazy breaks.

Staying hydrated is key when you’re out in the sun. Keep sipping water to stay fresh and keep your body temperature just right.

And don’t forget the sunscreen! A sunburn can really heat things up in a not-so-fun way. Even on cloudy days, those UV rays can sneak up on you, so a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15 is your friend. Reapply every two hours when you’re out and about. Read our Blog on Sunscreen best practices.

If your place lacks air conditioning, consider a trip to the mall or library to cool down. Try to use the stove less and go for cooler meal options to keep your home comfortable. A cool shower or bath can be super refreshing, too.

Need some extra help? The care coordinator at CGHC is there for you with community resources, simply call 855.643.5011 extension 1.

It’s also smart to know the signs of heat-related illnesses. The CDC has all the info you need to stay safe and sound.

So, enjoy the summer, stay cool, and remember to take care of yourself in the heat.


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