It includes both brand name and generic drugs. Our pharmacy partners CareSource RxInnovations and Express Scripts create the list of covered drugs with guidance from the doctors and pharmacists from their Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee who review clinical evidence about the safety and effectiveness of covered prescription drugs in our formulary. You and your doctor can use the formulary to help you choose the most cost-effective covered prescription drugs.
If you see letters next to the drug, take note. These letters indicate the drug has coverage requirements or limits. For example, PA means the prescription requires prior authorization. Your doctor needs to submit a drug authorization request. Written PA approval needs to be received before the drug will be covered by your plan. Other letters are ST for Step Therapy and QL for quantity limits. Learn more about the requirements for drug coverage in the first pages of our formulary.
Tier 0/ $0 Preventive:
Tier 0 drugs are preventive drugs that have no out-of-pocket costs
Tier 1 / $ Generic:
Use tier 1 generic drugs instead of brand name drugs to help reduce your out-of-pocket costs.
Tier 2 / $$ Preferred:
Use tier 2 preferred brand name drugs to help reduce out-of-pocket costs. They will generally have lower copayments than non-preferred brand name drugs.
Tier 3 / $$$ Non-preferred:
Many tier 3 drugs have lower cost options in tier 1 or 2. Ask your prescriber if the drugs in the lower tiers could work for you and help reduce your out-of-pocket costs.
Tier 4 / $$$$ Specialty:
These drugs are sometimes used for complex and chronic conditions and may require special monitoring and handling. They are generally highest in copayment and cost.
Tier CM Oral chemotherapy:
Drugs used for oral chemotherapy may have a designated copayment or coinsurance based on state laws or client preference.