Our Mission & Core Values

Our Mission:


Putting Members First.
Pursuing Better Healthcare.

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Put Members First

Putting members first is our persistent awareness of the member experience in everything we do. We consistently ask for feedback and put that feedback into action. When making business decisions, we are constantly asking, “how will this impact our members?”

Engage & Involve

CGHC is constantly engaging with our members, the community, and healthcare industry experts to evolve and innovate. Rather than keeping up with healthcare needs and trends, we want to be ahead of them – giving members what they need and want proactively.

Communicate & Connect

We value transparency and communication as some of the highest priorities, so that members feel involved and connected to their healthcare experience. Insurance can be confusing and complex, so we want to make it easier and empower members in their healthcare decision-making.

Promote Teamwork

At CGHC, we promote teamwork so that our processes are integrated and seamless. Making sure every employee at CGHC is an active part of the team is important to the member experience.

Perform at a High Level

Performing at a high level allows us to deliver better service to our members, process claims accurately and timely, and make decisions that will positively impact our members every day. At CGHC, we are all accountable to performing at the highest level as a well-functioning team.

Be Honest & Ethical

Last but definitely not least, being honest and ethical is of the utmost importance. We admit when we make mistakes, apologize, and work to make improvements. We are transparent and always strive to do what is right. Integrity and honesty are integral parts of our culture at CGHC.

Our Core Values

Our mission and core values are the cornerstones of our work every day. Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative is different because we put members first, we are transparent and honest, and we always strive to do what is right.


Not everyone can say that their health insurance company truly cares about the people they serve, but that is our sole purpose for existing. Together, we will build something better for healthcare in Wisconsin.